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Julhandla utan bekymmer: förlängt öppet köp fram till 31 januari 2025

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The Finnish Design Shop Code of Conduct for Business Partners

Finnish Design Shop’s purpose is to share Pieces of Nordic Happiness with friends of design across the world. We curate, sell and deliver the world’s largest selection of Nordic design, that always meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. We strive to achieve this by conducting all our business activities in an ethical and responsible manner throughout our supply chain.

Finnish Design Shop collaborates with companies, organisations, and individuals that share our commitments and passion for sustainability, quality design and ethical business conduct. We believe that this is the only acceptable way to run a business, one that will benefit Finnish Design Shop, our partners and the design community as a whole.

This Code of Conduct for Business Partners later referred to as the Code, outlines the behaviour that Finnish Design Shop expects from its Suppliers in their dealings with Finnish Design Shop.

The requirements apply to all Finnish Design Shop’s external partners in all geographical areas, both organisations and individuals, business partners, subcontractors, and freelancers who provide products or services to Finnish Design Shop.

The Code is based on Finnish Design Shop’s values and other internal policies, as well as international and national laws and regulations, treaties and conventions, such as:

  • The International Labour Organisation Standards
  • The International Bill of Human Rights
  • The United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Our Suppliers are required to adhere to the Code. We encourage suppliers to set similar requirements for their own suppliers and educate their employees and partners to ensure that they understand and comply with the Code.

We expect our partners to strive beyond legal compliance. In the unlikely event that the Code conflicts with the law, the law should always be followed. If the Code goes beyond the standards set out in law, then the Code must be followed.

Instructions for reporting any behaviour that violates the Finnish Design Shop’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners are detailed at the end of this document.


This Supplier Code of Conduct is publicly available on Finnish Design Shop’s website. It is part of all contracts between the Supplier and Finnish Design Shop. All Suppliers are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this Code, creating the necessary management processes to act in accordance with it, asking questions if any arise, and reporting any violations that may occur. Suppliers have a responsibility to ensure that their supply chain also meets the requirements of the Code.

Finnish Design Shop retains the right to conduct regular audits of Suppliers to ensure their compliance with the Code. Finnish Design Shop may visit or send an external inspector to visit the supplier’s facilities at any time, with reasonable notice. Suppliers are expected to share accurate data during the audit process. Upon request of Finnish Design Shop, the Supplier is obligated to provide access to and share all requested information and documents needed to verify the Supplier’s compliance. Any falsification of data or withholding of information is a serious violation of the Code.

Kanaler för rapportering

Om du misstänker eller upptäcker beteende som bryter mot denna Uppförandekod kan du alltid diskutera saken med din kontaktperson på Finnish Design Shop. Om du vill rapportera oetiskt affärsbeteende, olämpligt beteende eller överträdelser mot denna Uppförandekod kan du kontakta ethics@finnishdesignshop.com. Alla problem och frågor kommer att undersökas noggrant och behandlas konfidentiellt och anonymt.

Ytterligare ingripanden och eventuella disciplinära åtgärder tas under övervägande baserat på situationens allvar. Leverantörer måste vara behjälpliga i utredningar som avser misskötsel. Personer som i god tro rapporterar saker som upplevs som bekymmersamma kommer aldrig att utsättas för hämnd eller repressalier av Finnish Design Shop för att de gjort det.

Version 2022-11-07