Our steps towards 100% carbon neutrality

Since we at Finnish Design Shop believe that sustainable design increases happiness, it is only natural that we strive to achieve 100% carbon neutrality by reducing our emissions and making use of climate compensation methods.

In 2021, we commissioned the calculation of our organization’s carbon footprint for the first time. In the process, we also identified our most important emission reduction targets, which guide our efforts to create a carbon neutrality roadmap to minimize our emissions.

As avoiding all emissions from the get-go is not possible, we wish to take responsibility for our climate impact. Our solution is to offset our carbon footprint by protecting Finnish forests. According to our partner Ethica’s extensive background study, the protection of forests combines effective and sustained climate benefits with the nurturing of biodiversity.

Forest protection is found to be an effective way to secure and stabilize the carbon storage properties of plants and soil. It also ensures that the forest continues to act as a carbon sink and as a habitat for diverse species of animals, plants and other organisms.

Currently, Finnish Design Shop is sourcing Finnish forest areas that contain ecologically valuable habitats. The forests will be protected within the framework of the METSO programme, which safeguards and promotes forest biodiversity in southern Finland. METSO is a state-coordinated conservation programme that confirms the area’s high conservational value and ensures permanent protection.

Key criteria for METSO-eligible sites includes factors such as decaying wood, burnt or charred wood, mature broadleaved trees, large aspen trees, nutrient-rich soils, springs, brooks, and other natural water features. In the future, new acquisitions will be made annually.

The first forest protected by Finnish Design Shop is in Pälkäne

Finnish Design Shop bought and permanently protected its first forest under the METSO conservation programme in September 2022. The 9.56-hectare forest estate is located in a beautiful lake area in Pälkäne, Southern Finland, and consists of an old-growth, herb-rich forest with a variety of species.

The protection of the forest results in climate benefits totalling 3,890 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e), exceeding the figure caused by the 2021 operations of Finnish Design Shop, 3,633 tCO2e. The calculations were made by our external partner, Arvometsä, based on precise on-site data collected by a local forest professional. Read more about our compensation plan.

The deal on the forest estate in Pälkäne was closed following a tight call for tenders in July 2022. If we didn’t protect the estate, it would have probably ended up as a production forest or a logged building plot. Also, its location in Southern Finland makes it a valuable conservation site. Read more about our first conservation project.

In 2021, our carbon footprint was 3 633 tCO2e

In 2021, we took essential, initial steps towards carbon neutrality: we calculated the carbon footprint of Finnish Design Shop for the first time. Based on this data and understanding of our climate impact, we are now able to set reasoned targets and take effective action for minimizing our emissions. In total, our carbon footprint for the year 2021 was 3 633 tCO2e. Emissions resulting from our own operations accounted for 0,1% of our total carbon footprint.

The rest was created within our value chain as follows:

  • 70% shipping
  • 18% investments in warehouse and office equipment
  • 5% packaging
  • 2% waste management
  • 1% commuting
  • 4% other sources

The work for minimizing our emissions continues

In 2021, we were able to reduce the emissions resulting from our electricity consumption by 96% compared to the previous year. This was enabled by the move to our new logistics center and the investments made in renewable energy. The logistics center is highly energy-efficient and certified using the BREEAM environmental certification system. Geothermal and solar energy are used in the building.

We are currently working on a carbon neutrality roadmap to minimize our emissions. The next steps include looking even further into more ecological shipping alternatives and packaging solutions. The level of commitment to climate actions will also be an important criterion when choosing our partners.

Becoming carbon-neutral by protecting Finnish forests

Finnish Design Shop will become carbon-neutral by protecting Finnish forests. Forest protection produces considerable climate benefits by preventing the carbon stored in forests from being released. It also ensures that growing woodlands are sustained as carbon sinks. Simultaneously, we can conserve ecologically valuable habitats and nurture biodiversity. An alarmingly small share, only 6%, of Finnish forests is permanently protected for the time being. Consequently, many habitats and species are endangered.

In practice, Finnish Design Shop will acquire forest area and protect it within the framework of the METSO programme. This allows for the carbon balance between our emitting and carbon-absorbing activities to reach net zero, while securing a long-term protection status for the forest areas. The first forest protected by Finnish Design Shop is located in Pälkäne.


  • For climate actions to be effective, they should be based on accurate calculations and an understanding of the organization’s climate impact.
  • In 2021, we commissioned the calculation of Finnish Design Shop’s carbon footprint for the first time. Our total carbon footprint was 3 633 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e).
  • Emissions resulting from our own operations accounted for 0,1% of our total carbon footprint. The rest was created within our value chain as follows: 70% shipping, 18% investments in warehouse and office equipment, 5% packaging, 2% waste management, 1% commuting, 4% other sources.
  • The calculations included the emissions generated by Finnish Design Shop’s own operations (scope 1 & 2) and its value chain (scope 3). From scope 3, we reported the emission categories relevant to our operations, including: 1) purchased goods and services, 2) capital goods, 3) fuel- and energy-related activities, 4) transportation and distribution paid for by the reporting company, 5) waste generated in operations, 6) business travel, 7) employee commuting, 8) upstream leased assets, 9) downstream transportation and distribution, and 12) end-of-life treatment of the packaging materials of sold products.
  • As the calculations focus on the operative processes of Finnish Design Shop, the emissions from inbound logistics, as well as the manufacturing, use and end-of-life treatment of the products were excluded.
  • The calculation was performed, in line with the GHG Protocol, by our external partner UseLess Company Oy.
  • In the future, we will keep track of the development of our carbon footprint annually.
  • In 2021, we made significant investments to minimize our climate impact in the long term.
  • The move to our new logistics center, which is certified using the BREEAM environmental certification system, reduced the emissions resulting from our energy consumption by 96% compared to the previous year. Geothermal and fully renewable energy are used in the energy-efficient building. The electricity used is partially generated by our own solar panels.
  • We are currently working on a carbon neutrality roadmap to minimize our emissions, based on the results of the carbon footprint calculation for 2021. We strive to discover more ecological shipping alternatives and packaging solutions, and we will favor partners with ambitious climate targets.
  • Additionally, we work towards positive environmental effects, also referred to as the carbon handprint. For instance, we make low-carbon product alternatives available through Franckly, the marketplace for pre-owned design.
  • Finnish Design Shop will become carbon-neutral by protecting Finnish forests.
  • According to our partner Ethica’s extensive background study, forest protection produces considerable climate benefits by preventing the carbon stored in forests from being released. It also ensures that growing woodlands are sustained as carbon sinks.
  • Simultaneously, we conserve ecologically valuable habitats and nurture biodiversity. The state of forest protection is currently alarming in Finland, as only 6% of woodland is under a permanent protection status. Consequently, the vitality of many species is endangered.
  • In practice, Finnish Design Shop acquires and protects forest areas to the extent that allows for the carbon balance between our emitting and carbon-absorbing activities to reach net zero. Furthermore, by protecting the forests within the framework of the METSO programme, we ensure that they remain nature reserves permanently.
  • We will acquire and protect only forest estates that face a direct and imminent threat of logging. As they probably wouldn’t get protected without us taking action, we can create new conservation sites and achieve a genuine gain in carbon sequestration and forest biodiversity.
  • Finnish Design Shop’s focus is on our organizational carbon balance, i.e. balancing out the emitting activities of our operations with those that sequester carbon. This means we don't aspire to trade with the carbon removal units we produce.
  • Finnish Design Shop’s first protected forest is located in Pälkäne, Southern Finland. The 9.56-hectare forest state has been protected permanently under the METSO conservation programme. The protection of the forest results in climate benefits totalling 3,890 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e), exceeding the figure caused by the 2021 operations of Finnish Design Shop, 3,633 tCO2e.
  • Each forest area’s carbon sequestration potential and nature values are evaluated separately based on on-site data. A local forestry association collects the site-specific data, and our external partner, Arvometsä, produces the calculations. The evaluation follows the criteria for high-quality compensation defined by Finnwatch.
  • In the future, new forest acquisitions will be made annually. In the rather unlikely, yet possible, occasion that a protected forest was destroyed, we would immediately start searching for a new compensating forest to cover the carbon storage losses.

Read more about our first conservation project

Read more about our take on climate compensation and forest protection

Finnish Design Shop has created a sustainability strategy, which helps us to identify areas of development and encourages us to demand more from ourselves as well as our partners. Read more about our sustainability strategy