Softly – Timeless Knits

Cozy Publishing

 26,40 €  33,10 €
-10 % supplémentaires


Cozy Publishing
Softly – Timeless Knits
 26,40 €  33,10 €

  • Livraisons rapides en France
  • Excellentes critiques de nos clients
  • 30 jours de droit de retour

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Softly – Timeless Knits de Cozy Publishing est un livre de tricot qui regorge de ravissants projets, allant des gants et des écharpes en passant par les pulls et les cardigans tricotés. Les 22 modèles de tricots sont tous signés Sari Nordlund, l’une des plus célèbres créatrices de tricots finlandaises. Sari Nordlund collabore avec des magazines de tricot et des fabricants de fils du monde entier. Elle puise son inspiration dans la beauté de la vie quotidienne, notamment la nature nordique, l’architecture de style Art nouveau d’Helsinki, ou encore l’art et la culture populaire. Ce livre visuellement captivant est agrémenté de photographies prises dans les rues de Paris.

Softly – Timeless Knits. Pick up 22 lovely knitwear projects on your needles to wrap yourself into again and again. Craft your own wardrobe essentials, infusing everyday comfort with the versatility to elevate your style for special occasions. True favorite knits are created from ethically and organically manufactured yarns.

A classical, timeless theme weaves an enchanting thread throughout the book, with knitwear names drawing inspiration from ancient Greek mythology. Set against the soft, powdery backdrop of Paris, these elegant Scandinavian knits are perfect for modern-day urban muses.

Sari Nordlund
Viola Virtamo
Date de publication
Couverture rigide
17 x 24 x 2 cm
0,6 kg
ID produit

5 3


Basé sur 3 avis

  • B

    United States


    Softly – Timeless Knits is a gorgous book. It is so thoughtfully curated and put together. Sari has built a beautiful collection of knits that will stand the test of time. I cannot wait to knit each and every one. The only problem is that I don't know which one I want to knit first!!

    Il y a 295 jours

  • G

    Milan, Italy


    Very nice book, beautifully packaged so that it wouldn’t get ruined in transit.

    Il y a 365 jours

  • A

    United States


    la mia fidanzata, alla quale ho regalato questo libro che desiderava da tanto, è rimasta entusiasta! Non solo gli schemi di lavoro per la realizzazione dei capi sono chiari e ben realizzati ma anche il libro stesso è di pregevole fattura sia per quanto riguarda l'impaginazione che le foto e risulta anch'esso molto elegante. Un ottimo acquisto

    Il y a 299 jours

Ce produit n’a pas encore de score de durabilité.
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