Making Waves: Boats, Floating Homes and Life on the Water, publié par Thames & Hudson, propose une lecture inspirante pour celles et ceux qui ont déjà rêvé de vivre sur un bateau, que ce soit pour une courte période ou pour le reste de leur vie. Making Waves est un guide complet sur les secrets de la transformation d’un bateau en maison : il livre des histoires inspirantes ainsi que des conseils pratiques, allant des solutions de stockage qui facilitent la vie quotidienne à comment trouver le bon endroit où jeter l’ancre. Avec plus de 400 charmantes photographies en couleurs, ce livre capture les merveilles de la vie sur les vagues. Alors, entrez dans la cabine et laissez-vous surprendre !
Every boat has a story. For thousands of years, water vessels have provided livelihoods, catered to our spirit of adventure, and served as retreats from the pressures of modern life. It is little wonder that life on the water calls out to the creative and the curious—the mavericks, artists, architects, crafters, and designers who have made their homes on barges, shipping containers, houseboats, and more.
Featuring an international range of vessels, Making Waves celebrates those outliers seeking a different way of life; those exploring how living on a boat offers the chance to achieve a more satisfying work-life balance while holding much of the paraphernalia and constrictions of the modern world at bay. With stunning photography and packed with practical advice and inspiration, the book reveals how anyone can transform a boat into a beautiful and unique place to live and work.