The story of Marset’s MVV pendant dates back to the 1970s, when Manuel Valls Vergés, one of the most significant Spanish architects of his time, designed an octagonal ceiling lamp with overlapping wooden panels. Nearly half a century later, the architect’s grandson found a prototype of the luminaire in an attic, and so the MVV lamp was finally taken into production.
Marset has updated the original design in a light and modern way: the prototype’s iron frame was changed to lightweight plastic, and the overlapping cherry wood sheets were given a white inside to ensure a bright, reflected light. Named after Manuel Valls Vergés, the MVV pendant lamp illuminates its surroundings both directly and indirectly: the lamp casts direct light straight underneath, while the sides have a warm indirect glow colored by the wooden surfaces. The MVV pendant makes an excellent dining table lamp, and in larger spaces it can also be used in pairs or groups.