Sustainable design increases happiness

Good design is sustainable in essence, as it is designed to last centuries of use at best. Design is cherished and repaired, maintained and donated onwards, which means it distributes happiness from one generation to the next.

We curate, sell and deliver design to hundreds of customers around the world on a daily basis, which is why we wish to pay further attention to the sustainability of our actions. The design world has yet to reach the finish line when it comes to sustainable practices; rather, continuous work is needed. We have the expertise and enthusiasm to go the extra mile.

Finnish Design Shop has created a sustainability strategy, which helps us to identify areas of development and encourages us to demand more from ourselves as well as our partners. We have divided our sustainability efforts into three parts: Flow, which refers to circular economy solutions and sustainable logistics, Fix, which involves responsible product curation and our role in enabling sustainable product choices, and Flourish, which relates to the wellbeing of our personnel and the promotion of efforts that correspond to our values, both within the field of design and the society at large.

Our sustainability strategy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN. The most significant goals for our operations include Responsible consumption and production (12), Climate action (13), Life on land (15), Decent work and economic growth (8), Gender equality (5), and Good health and wellbeing (3).


We set good design in motion.

Products with a long lifespan and circular economy solutions are at the core of our operations, and we work to ensure that products reach their new homes with the lowest emission levels possible. We commit to be 100 percent carbon neutral by compensating emissions resulting from our operations from 2021 onwards.


We chart the course towards more sustainable choices.

Among our carefully curated selection, you will find designs that stand the test of time in terms of quality and aesthetics, and have also passed our sustainability assessment. Additionally, we develop our packaging with the environment in mind.


We co-create a flourishing community with all friends of design.

We support designers and partners that share our passion for high-quality design and sustainability. We take care of our personnel and promote the diversity of the design field.


We set good design in motion.

Our actions:

  • We provide Franckly, a dedicated marketplace to pre-owned design, currently available in 23 European countries
  • We offer a design leasing service for businesses located in Finland
  • We help further extend the lifespan of products with spare parts – contact us
  • We offer environmentally friendly delivery options
  • We minimise emissions towards carbon neutrality
  • Our logistics centre has been designed according to the standards of the BREEAM environmental certification system’s Excellent level, and runs on geothermal and fully renewable energy
  • We compensate our carbon footprint from 2021 onwards by protecting forests in Finland – read more about our climate action and our first conservation project


As a continuously growing organisation in the design field, it is our duty to deliver orders all across the globe in the most sustainable manner possible. We strive to minimise our emissions in all areas of our operations. With the help of our logistics partners, we offer low-emission delivery options. Additionally, our logistics centre in Turku, Finland has been designed according to the standards of the BREEAM environmental certification system’s Excellent level. We calculate and compensate annual emissions resulting from our direct operations and customer deliveries from 2021 onwards by protecting forests. Read more about our climate action.

Circular economy solutions are an important part of our operations. With the help of Franckly, our marketplace for pre-owned design, customers can sell their design treasures or make sustainable finds. We also help companies to take steps towards a circular economy with our design leasing service, currently available for businesses located in Finland. Spare parts are available for a large portion of products sold at Finnish Design Shop, and we will further increase their availability.

Quite simply, we make the product’s journey streamlined as Alvar Aalto’s L-leg structure, and transparent as clear glass. All the way from the maker to its new home, and on to the next owner – and the one after that.

100% climate-compensated deliveries

Since the transport sector is a significant source of carbon emissions, we want to do our bit in reducing their negative impact on the climate. Emission-free modes of transport are being developed, but there is still work to be done. That’s why we encourage our partners to take a step towards more sustainable operations, such as switching to vehicles running on electricity or fossil-free fuels.

Until emission-free options are widely available, we will ensure that the carbon footprint of our deliveries is fully offset – without any additional cost to our customers. To our delight, some of our transport partners are already compensating for their emissions.

Finnish Design Shop will offset its carbon emissions by acquiring forests in Finland and protecting them within the framework of the METSO program. Forests are important carbon sinks: as forest grows, it stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to trees and the soil. By establishing new preservation areas, we can also protect forest biodiversity and encourage people to make the most of the Finnish ‘everyman’s rights’ – that is, the right of public access to nature – and all the other experiences nature has to offer.


We chart the course towards more sustainable choices.

Our actions:

  • We curate our product selection with careful consideration
  • We provide databased information on the sustainability of the products with the Product Sustainability Framework, our criteria of sustainable design
  • We provide tips for mindful and lasting choices in our Buyers’ Guide
  • We utilise environmentally friendly packaging options, such as packaging developed by Paptic, made from renewable raw materials


As we curate our product selection carefully, we only choose products that meet our sustainability and quality criteria. Products must stand the test of time, both in terms of their quality and aesthetics. Only opting for authentic design is a given for us.

The Product Sustainability Framework (PSF) is our new sustainability criteria for design products, which helps in making more sustainable purchasing decisions. With PSF, every product available in Finnish Design Shop’s online store receives its unique sustainability rating. These ratings and the sustainability criteria met by each product are visible on the product pages. The PSF is the first of its kind and serves as a pioneer for the entire design industry.

Through the Buyer's Guide, we are assisting in making more lasting and sustainable choices, aligning with your personal style. Additionally, we evaluate and develop better packaging solutions to ensure our deliveries always arrive intact, yet utilizing as little material that ends up in waste disposal as possible.


We co-create a flourishing community with all friends of design.

Our actions:

  • We act in line with the principles of the Finnish Design Shop Code of Conduct
  • We expect our suppliers and business partners to always act ethically and in line with our Supplier Code of Conduct
  • We are an official partner of Helsinki Pride
  • We donate to UN Women Finland through our International Women’s Day campaign
  • We highlight designers and influencers that match our values through two open competitions: the FDS Award and the FDS Influencer Awards
  • We strive to showcase diverse and inclusive content in our online magazine, Design Stories: for example, the proportion of male- and female-presenting interviewees is 50/50
  • We organise Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshops for our entire personnel
  • We are a supporting member of Inklusiiv, an organisation that advances diversity, equity and inclusion in the working life
  • The Workplace Designers team, comprising members of staff, works to develop our workplace
  • We support the physical and mental wellbeing of our personnel, and encourage them to suggest areas of development in employee surveys


In our daily operations, we meet manufacturers, designers and customers that make up a constantly growing community, together with our personnel. We want to collaborate with organisations and individuals that share our passion for sustainability and high-quality design. Not only do we support representatives that correspond to our values, but we also work to renew the field of design and take part in creating a more sustainable world. The principles of the Finnish Design Shop Code of Conduct guide us in our daily work and decision-making.

Through our continued efforts, we wish to promote diversity and inclusivity in the world of design. We highlight designers and influencers, whose vision we trust without reference to age, gender expression, ethnicity or state of health. For example, we make sure to include a diverse set of interviewees in our online magazine, Design Stories. Although we evaluate the diversity of our content from the perspective of traditional gender categories of male and female, we do not adhere to gender as a binary construct.

We encourage designers and brands to create products that future generations can also embrace to experience the joy of good design, when handled with appropriate care. Additionally, we amplify the voices of designers, influencers and collaborators that share our passion for sustainability and high-quality design. We expect all our suppliers and business partners to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our community at home flourishes when we make sure to care for our personnel. We support the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees by, for example, making use of the early support model and investing in managerial work. We provide high-quality occupational healthcare, mental health services and an employee wellness benefit. Development efforts are honed in close collaboration with managers, HR, occupational healthcare, and occupational safety and health personnel.

We want to cultivate a workplace where each individual is free to be themselves, and everyone feels safe and heard. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity workshops offered to our entire personnel are among the steps taken as part of the ongoing work. We continue to encourage our employees to voice their opinions. The Workplace Designers team, comprising members of staff, actively participates in developing our organisation. We collect data with an annual employee survey that delves into various themes, including team morale, level of commitment and areas of development. It goes without saying that our employees have the freedom to take action and negotiate, as part of fair work conditions.

Do you have ideas on how we could further lead our operations and the design world into a more sustainable future?

Help us move forward