Marimekko's Pieni Unikko Häivähdys tote bag is brought to life by Maija Isola's iconic floral pattern, where the hues subtly shift from pink to darker red. Printed in Helsinki, Finland, this cotton bag is easy to take with you on shopping trips and hobbies. Fold the compact bag inside another pack, purse or into the coat pocket, where it is always ready and waiting if you need any carrying assistance.
The Unikko pattern came about in 1964 after Armi Ratia, the founder of Marimekko, had announced in public that no floral fabrics are designed at Marimekko. Maija Isola did not accept rules or restrictions and designed in protest a complete collection of bold floral patterns: Unikko, a Finnish word that means poppy. Today, Unikko is one of Marimekko's best-known patterns and is recognized worldwide.