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Expand dining table, 200 x 90 cm, extendable, black oak


3,909.00€ 4,599.00€

Colour: Black


Expand dining table
3,909.00€ 4,599.00€


Northern's Expand dining table is designed for dining together with friends and family. The shade of the black painted oak, rounded edges and narrow legs of the tabletop give the table its Nordic, timeless elegance. Designer Sami Kallio has added a slight angle to the table legs, which makes the table feel light even when it is extended to its full length. 

The Expand table is suitable for many different sized dining spaces. You can gather around it for a dinner party in a slightly smaller kitchen, but with the optional extension pieces you can extend the length of the dining table up to 3 metres – so feel free to invite an extra guest or two to your dinner feast!

200 cm
90 cm
73 cm
Black painted oak
53 kg
This table can contain up to two extension pieces.
Extension pieces are sold separately.
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Sami Kallio

Sami Kallio (born 1975 in Helsinki, Finland) lives and works as a freelance designer in Gothenburg, Sweden. Kallio has said that his work combines the melancholy of the Finnish design heritage with the humour of the Swedish tradition. He graduated from the School of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg in 2005. Kallio has taken part in numerous exhibitions, and the furniture collection called The Finnish Blood In Me that was presented in Stockholm Furniture fair in 2011 caught a lot of attention.

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