Project Nendo, herausgegeben von Thames & Hudson, präsentiert Oki Sato, den Gründer der bekannten Designagentur Nendo. Die Arbeit des talentierten japanischen Designers erstreckt sich über alle Bereiche vom Produkt-, Innen- und Grafikdesign bis hin zur Architektur – „Es gibt nichts, was ich nicht entwerfen würde“, sagte Sato selbst. Dieses Buch präsentiert Originalentwürfe, Produktbilder und inspirierende Texte zu Satos kreativem Prozess, die diese Aussage zweifellos belegen.
Sato renders his designs with remarkable conceptual clarity. At the outset, he allows his imagination to run wild and then documents his idea with a simple black line drawing – be it a bathroom basin defined by a single, ceramic swirl or a pair of wooden chopsticks that twist together to become one. These 2D images are converted into minimal 3D shapes described with clean outlines and a largely monochrome palette. Like a traditional Japanese ink painting, which constructs an image with just a few brush strokes, Sato extracts the unnecessary and eliminates distraction.
Featuring Sato’s original sketches, full-scale product images and explanatory texts, Project Nendo uncovers and unpicks the designer’s unique creative process, guiding the reader step-by-step through his innovative and playful world to reveal the secrets behind fifty of his inimitable works.